Why is My Word Document Black

Are you puzzled by a black background in your Microsoft Word documents? This could be due to the dark mode feature, particularly on Mac or Office 365 versions. Dark mode is a popular option for reducing eye strain and saving battery life.

However, it may not be everyone’s cup of tea, especially when it turns your Word document black with white text.

This comprehensive guide will show you why your Word document might appear black and how to turn off dark mode, changing your Microsoft Word background from black to white.

Why is My Word Document Black

Why Is My Word Document Black?

The most common reason for a black background in Microsoft Word is the dark mode setting. If dark mode is enabled, the entire theme of your Microsoft Word, including the document background, changes to black or a dark shade, with the text becoming white or a light color for contrast.

How to Turn Off Dark Mode on Word

If you prefer the classic white background with black text, you can easily turn off dark mode. The steps slightly differ depending on your device and Word version.

On a Mac:

  1. Open ‘System Preferences’ from the Apple menu.
  2. Go to ‘General.’
  3. Under ‘Appearance,’ select the ‘Light’ option.

On Office 365:

  1. Open Microsoft Word and go to ‘File.’
  2. Click on ‘Account.’
  3. Under ‘Office Theme,’ select ‘Colorful’ or ‘White.’

These steps will change the entire theme of Word, returning your document to the familiar white background with black text.

How to Change Microsoft Word Background from Black to White

If you want to keep the dark mode theme for your software but change only the Word document background to white, you can do this in the ‘Page Layout’ settings:

  1. Open the Word document.
  2. Click on the ‘Design’ tab.
  3. Go to ‘Page Color’ in the ‘Page Background’ section.
  4. Select ‘White’ or your preferred color.

Note that this change only applies to the current document. Repeat the steps for each document you want to change.

Solving Dark Mode Issues on Mac and Office 365

Dark mode issues are common, especially for new users or after software updates. If your Word document suddenly appears black on your Mac or Office 365, check if your device or Word has been set to dark mode.

You can then either disable dark mode entirely or change the document’s page color as explained earlier.

In conclusion:

The black Word document issue is typically related to the dark mode setting. By understanding how to manage this feature, you can easily switch between light and dark modes depending on your preference, ensuring a comfortable and productive document editing experience.