Tackling “Second Monitor Flickering” On Windows PC

For multi-monitor users, one common issue is the Second Monitor Flickering on and off. This can occur on various operating systems, including Windows, Linux Mint, and Mac.

This article will provide comprehensive solutions to help you resolve this flickering issue on different platforms and offer tips on how to prevent it from happening.

Second Monitor Flickering

The Issue: Second Monitor Flickering

Monitor flickering can be an annoying and disruptive problem, interfering with your productivity.

This can result from various causes, such as incorrect settings, faulty cables or connections, outdated drivers, or hardware issues. Let’s delve into how to address this problem on different operating systems.

Second Monitor Flickering on Windows PC

If your second monitor is flickering on and off on a Windows PC, you can try these solutions:

  1. Check Your Cables: Loose or defective cables can often cause flickering. Ensure your cables are securely connected and in good condition.
  2. Update Your Display Driver: An outdated or corrupted driver might be responsible. Go to the manufacturer’s website and download the latest driver for your graphics card.
  3. Change the Refresh Rate: Right-click on your desktop, choose “Display settings” > “Advanced display settings” > “Display adapter properties” > “Monitor” tab, and try a different refresh rate.

Second Monitor Flickering on Linux Mint

If you’re using Linux Mint, consider these options:

  1. Check Your Cables: As with Windows, always make sure your cables are securely connected and not defective.
  2. Update Your Graphics Driver: Depending on your graphics card, you may need to update your driver. Open “Driver Manager” and check if there’s an available update for your graphics card.
  3. Change the Refresh Rate: You can adjust the refresh rate via the “Display” settings. If that doesn’t help, you can try using the xrandr command-line tool to adjust the refresh rate.

Second Monitor Flickering on Mac

Mac users experiencing a flickering second monitor can try these solutions:

  1. Check Your Cables: Ensure your cables are connected correctly and are not damaged.
  2. Reset the System Management Controller (SMC): This can solve hardware-related issues. The method varies depending on the type of Mac you have, so check Apple’s official guide for detailed instructions.
  3. Update macOS: Keeping your operating system updated can resolve software issues that may be causing the flickering.

Tips to Stop Your Second Monitor from Flickering

  • Regularly update your graphics card drivers and operating system to ensure they are compatible and running the latest software.
  • Check your cables and hardware regularly. Physical defects or loose connections can often lead to screen flickering.
  • Ensure your screen refresh rate is set correctly as an incorrect refresh rate can cause flickering.
  • Avoid running too many heavy applications at once. Overloading the GPU can cause performance issues, including screen flickering.


Second Monitor Flickering can be frustrating and disruptive. However, whether you’re using a Windows PC, Linux Mint, or a Mac, resolving this issue usually involves some simple troubleshooting steps.

By ensuring that your drivers and operating system are up-to-date, your cables and hardware are in good condition, and your monitor settings are correctly configured, you can enjoy a flicker-free multi-monitor setup.