How to “Opening.VCF Files” on Windows 10 and 11, iPhone, Mobile, Excel, and Mac

Ever stumbled upon a VCF (vCard) file and wondered how to view it? VCF files are the standard format for storing contact information for individuals and businesses in a digital format.

This article will guide you on how to view VCF files on different platforms, including Windows 10 and 11 PCs, iPhone, mobile devices, Excel, and Mac systems.

Opening.VCF Files

How to View VCF Files in Windows 10 and 11

You can view VCF files on your Windows PC using the built-in Contacts app:

  1. Double-click on the VCF file. If Windows asks how to open the file, choose ‘Contacts.’
  2. The Contacts app will open, showing the information stored in the VCF file.

Use a VCF Viewer:

If you frequently need to open VCF files, consider installing a VCF viewer software. There are several free options available online. Make sure you download from a trusted source.

How to Open VCF Files on iPhone

Importing VCF files into your iPhone’s Contacts app allows you to view them:

  1. Email the VCF file to an account accessible on your iPhone.
  2. Open the email on your iPhone, tap on the VCF file attachment, and then select ‘Add to Existing Contact’ or ‘Create New Contact.’
  3. Open the Contacts app to view the information.

How to View VCF Files on Mobile

For Android users:

  1. Email the VCF file to an account accessible on your Android phone.
  2. Open the email on your phone, download the VCF file, and tap on it.
  3. Your phone will prompt you to save the details in the file to a new or existing contact.

How to Open VCF Files in Excel

While Excel isn’t typically used to open VCF files, it can be done:

  1. Open Excel and go to the ‘File’ tab.
  2. Select ‘Open’ and navigate to the VCF file.
  3. In the file type dropdown, select ‘All Files (.)’ and open the VCF file.
  4. Excel will prompt you to choose how to import the data. Generally, the ‘Delimited’ option works best.
  5. Follow the wizard’s instructions to import the VCF data.

How to Open VCF Files on Mac

On Mac, you can open VCF files using the Contacts app:

  1. Double-click the VCF file to open it in Contacts.
  2. If Contacts asks if you want to import the vCard, select ‘Add.’


Viewing VCF files across various platforms is a straightforward process once you understand the steps. Whether on Windows 10 or 11, iPhone, mobile devices, Excel, or Mac, opening VCF files allows you to seamlessly import and view contact information.

Familiarizing yourself with these steps ensures you’re well-equipped to handle VCF files whenever you encounter them.