Understanding “Lag Spikes League of Legends” on Windows PC

For passionate players of League of Legends (LoL), a popular multiplayer online battle arena game, maintaining a stable and low ping is crucial for a seamless gaming experience.

However, experiencing ping spikes, especially during intense team fights, can be a gamer’s worst nightmare.

This article will delve into the causes of ping spikes on Windows PCs, offer practical solutions to counter this issue, and incorporate insights from the Reddit community.

Lag Spikes League of Legends

Understanding Ping Spikes in League of Legends

In online gaming, ‘ping’ refers to the network latency between a player’s computer (client) and the game server. A lower ping signifies a more responsive connection, which is vital in fast-paced games like LoL.

On the contrary, ‘ping spikes’ are sudden increases in ping time, causing the game to lag. These can be particularly devastating during crucial moments in the game, such as team fights.

Causes of Ping Spikes in LoL on Windows PC

Ping spikes can be attributed to various factors, including but not limited to:

  1. Network congestion: Too many devices connected to the same network can lead to traffic congestion, causing ping spikes.
  2. Software conflicts: Certain background applications or processes on your Windows PC might interfere with your game, causing high ping.
  3. Outdated Network drivers: Outdated or corrupt network drivers can lead to poor network performance and, consequently, high ping in games.
  4. Server issues: Sometimes, the game’s server might be experiencing issues, leading to high ping.

How to Solve LoL Ping Spikes on Windows PC

Here are several tried and tested solutions to tackle ping spikes in League of Legends:

1. Use a Wired Connection

A wired Ethernet connection is typically more stable and faster than a wireless one. If possible, connect your PC directly to the router using an Ethernet cable to ensure a more stable connection.

2. Close Background Applications

Background applications can use up a significant amount of your system’s resources and bandwidth. Close any unnecessary apps running in the background to ensure that maximum resources are allocated to your game.

3. Update Network Drivers

Outdated or corrupt network drivers can affect your internet connection. Make sure to keep your network drivers updated. This can be done manually in the Device Manager, or you can use a trusted third-party tool for convenience.

4. Change your DNS

Sometimes, changing your DNS to a faster one, such as Google’s public DNS, can help reduce ping. To do this, navigate to your network settings, select the ‘Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4)’ property, and use the following values: Preferred DNS server: and Alternate DNS server:

5. Contact your ISP

If none of the above solutions work, the problem might lie with your Internet Service Provider (ISP). Contact them to find out if there are any issues and possible solutions.

Insights from the Reddit Community

Reddit, an online forum known for its active gaming communities, offers a wealth of knowledge and personal experiences from its users.

Reddit users have found success in methods such as closing background applications, updating network drivers, and even using VPNs to stabilize connections.

However, the universal agreement is that a stable wired connection is one of the best ways to maintain a low and stable ping in LoL.


While playing League of Legends, encountering ping spikes can be disruptive and frustrating. However, by understanding the causes of these spikes and implementing the above-mentioned solutions, players can significantly enhance their gaming experience.

Always remember that while the in-game experience is essential, keeping your Windows PC in optimum condition contributes significantly to the overall gaming performance.