How To Undervolt GPU

Are you looking to optimize your GPU’s performance while reducing its power consumption and heat generation? If so, GPU undervolting may be your best bet. While it might sound daunting, undervolting can bring about significant benefits when done right.

This guide will take you through the process of undervolting your GPU, the pros and cons of doing so, using tools like MSI Afterburner, and specifically undervolting for mining and the Nvidia 3080 GPU.

How To Undervolt GPU

What is GPU Undervolting?

Undervolting refers to the practice of reducing the voltage supplied to your GPU. Contrary to overclocking, where you increase the clock speed of your GPU for better performance, undervolting aims to enhance the GPU’s efficiency.

It can potentially reduce power consumption and heat output without significantly affecting performance.

Is Undervolting Good or Bad?

Like most things, undervolting has its pros and cons. Let’s delve into them:


  1. Reduced Heat and Power Consumption: Undervolting lowers the voltage supplied to the GPU, thus reducing the power it consumes and the heat it generates.
  2. Prolonged Lifespan: By reducing heat and stress on the GPU, undervolting can potentially extend the lifespan of your graphics card.
  3. Improved Efficiency: With undervolting, you can often maintain similar performance levels as stock settings but with less power, resulting in better overall efficiency.


  1. Potential Stability Issues: Undervolting can cause system instability if not done correctly. The GPU might crash during high loads, causing potential data loss.
  2. Time-Consuming Process: Finding the perfect undervolt setting can be a bit of trial and error, and hence, time-consuming.

Undervolting with MSI Afterburner

MSI Afterburner is a widely used software for GPU overclocking and undervolting. Here’s how you can undervolt your GPU using MSI Afterburner:

  1. Download and install MSI Afterburner.
  2. Open the software and click on the ‘Settings’ button.
  3. Under ‘General’, check ‘Unlock Voltage Control’ and ‘Unlock Voltage Monitoring’, then click ‘OK’.
  4. Adjust the voltage/frequency curve by pressing Ctrl + F. Lower the points on the curve to decrease voltage at specific frequencies.
  5. Gradually lower the voltage, run stability tests, and ensure your GPU is still performing reliably.

Undervolting GPU for Mining

When it comes to crypto-mining, efficiency is key. The less power your GPU consumes, the more profitable your mining operation becomes. Undervolting your GPU can be especially beneficial in this scenario.

However, you must ensure that the undervolted GPU is stable and reliable, as crashes can lead to downtime and potential loss of earnings.

Undervolting Nvidia 3080

The Nvidia 3080 is a powerful GPU and also quite power-hungry. Undervolting can be beneficial to keep its power consumption and temperatures in check. The process is similar to undervolting any GPU using MSI Afterburner, but remember, each card is different.

What works for one Nvidia 3080 might not work for another, so it’s important to find the perfect undervolt settings for your specific GPU.


Undervolting is a powerful method to reduce your GPU’s power consumption and heat output without sacrificing too much performance.

Whether you’re using an MSI, Nvidia 3080, or any other GPU, you can reap the benefits of undervolting with the right approach and tools.