Best “Free Macro Recorder” Software for Windows and Mac

Recording keyboard and mouse actions, otherwise known as macros, can be a lifesaver for repetitive tasks. Macro recorders are powerful tools that allow users to automate almost anything on their PC by recording specific operations.

This article will provide a list of the best free keyboard macro recorder software available for Windows 11, 10, 7, and Mac, along with information about download, image recognition, and insights from Reddit.

Understanding Keyboard Macro Recorder Software

Keyboard macro recorder software captures the sequence of keyboard inputs and, in some cases, mouse actions. These sequences can be saved as macros and replayed later to automate repetitive tasks, saving you time and effort.

Best Free Keyboard Macro Recorder Software

Here are some of the best free keyboard macro recorder software options available:

  1. Jitbit Macro Recorder: Jitbit is a leading name in the field of macro recording. With an easy-to-use interface and powerful features, it’s an excellent choice for Windows users. The free version offers basic functionality, while the paid version provides advanced features like image recognition.
  2. TinyTask: A compact, lightweight macro recording tool, TinyTask is ideal for those looking for simplicity. While it may not have advanced features like image recognition, its straightforward design makes it a favorite among users.
  3. AutoHotKey: This open-source scripting language for Windows allows you to create complex macros. While its learning curve is a bit steep, it’s one of the most powerful macro recording tools available.
  4. Pulover’s Macro Creator: Pulover’s Macro Creator integrates well with AutoHotkey and adds a user-friendly interface to script building. It supports both keyboard and mouse macros.
  5. Macro Recorder by Murgee: This macro recorder for Windows boasts a simple interface and a rich feature set. It supports keyboard and mouse macros and allows you to adjust playback speed.

Best Macro Recorder for Mac

For Mac users, the built-in Automator app provides macro recording functionality. However, if you’re looking for third-party solutions, “Keyboard Maestro” is a great choice. It isn’t free but offers a generous trial period.

Image Recognition in Macro Recorders

Advanced macro recorder tools like Jitbit offer image recognition, enabling the software to interact with UI elements, such as buttons and checkboxes, as a human would. This feature allows for more complex automation sequences.

Reddit Recommendations

Reddit is a great platform for finding honest reviews and user experiences. Many users recommend Jitbit and AutoHotKey for their versatility and powerful features. However, preference may depend on your specific needs, so browsing through related threads can provide valuable insights.


Whether you’re looking to automate tasks in Windows 11, 10, 7, or on a Mac, there’s a free keyboard macro recorder software for you. With options ranging from the simple TinyTask to the advanced Jitbit Macro Recorder, you can streamline your workflow and save time on repetitive tasks.