How To Fix “49.4 C02 Service Error” on Windows PC

Printers are a vital part of modern computing setup, especially in professional and office environments. Among various printer manufacturers, HP is a household name, renowned for their reliable hardware.

However, like any tech device, HP printers are not immune to errors. One such error that’s often reported is the Error 49.4c02. This comprehensive guide will help you understand this error, its causes, and the methods to fix it.

49.4 C02 Service Error

Understanding HP Printer Error 49.4c02

The HP Printer Error 49.4c02 is a common issue that affects various models of HP printers. When it occurs, the printer’s operations come to a halt, and the printer queue refuses to process further documents. The error message typically displays on the printer screen as “49.4c02 Service Error.”

Causes of HP Printer Error 49.4c02

The 49.4c02 error can occur due to a number of reasons. Here are the most common causes:

  1. Corrupt Data: This is the most common cause. If a print job is corrupted or if the formatting of a file is unsupported by HP printer, it can cause the 49.4c02 error.
  2. Outdated Firmware: Like any hardware device, printers also have firmware which should be updated regularly. Outdated firmware can cause this error.
  3. Network Issues: Sometimes, errors in network configuration or unstable network connections can lead to this error.
  4. Printer Settings: Incorrect settings or configurations in the printer can cause the 49.4c02 error.

Methods to Fix HP Printer Error 49.4c02

Here are some effective solutions to resolve the HP Printer Error 49.4c02:

1. Clear the Print Queue:

The first step in troubleshooting this error is to clear the print queue. A problematic print job might be causing the error, and deleting it can resolve the issue.

  • Go to the “Devices and Printers” option in the Windows Control Panel.
  • Right-click on your HP printer and select “See what’s printing.”
  • In the new window, choose “Printer” from the menu and select “Cancel all documents.”

2. Update the Printer’s Firmware:

HP regularly releases updates to the firmware of their printers. Keeping your printer’s firmware up-to-date can often resolve the 49.4c02 error.

  • Visit HP’s official website and navigate to the Support section.
  • Find the appropriate firmware update for your specific printer model and follow the instructions provided to install it.

3. Verify the Network Configuration:

If the error is network-related, checking and correcting the network configuration might solve it.

  • Print a configuration page from your HP printer to verify the network setup.
  • If there are errors in the network configuration, correct them using the printer’s control panel or the embedded web server (EWS).

4. Change the Printer Settings:

In some cases, changing certain printer settings can resolve the issue.

  • Print a configuration page and turn off any settings that are not necessary for your specific usage.
  • One such setting that often contributes to the 49.4c02 error is the advanced printing features. Disabling this setting can often resolve the issue.


The HP Printer Error 49.4c02, while a common issue, can usually be resolved with some basic troubleshooting steps such as clearing the print queue, updating the printer firmware, verifying network configurations, or changing printer settings.

Remember, regular printer maintenance, including timely updates, can prevent many common printer errors and contribute to a smoother printing experience.