How To Fix “The Requested URL Was Rejected Please Consult With Your Administrator”

The URL You Entered Was Not Accepted. When attempting to access a specific website when web browsing, you may encounter an error message that reads “Please Consult With Your Administrator.” The issue is widespread and can manifest on any website, even those that promise to be secure.

The digital realm often throws challenges that users might not be familiar with. One such challenge is encountering the “The Requested URL Was Rejected. Please Consult With Your Administrator” error.

The Requested URL Was Rejected Please Consult With Your Administrator

It can be a bewildering experience, especially if you’re unsure of the root cause. This article sheds light on the reasons behind this error, potential solutions, and best practices for managing URLs.

What Causes ‘The Requested URL Was Rejected. Please Consult With Your Administrator’ Error?

The appearance of this message often pertains to:

  • Security Concerns: Web application firewalls or security software might identify certain URLs as threats and block them.
  • Server Restrictions: The server might have certain restrictions in place, preventing specific URLs from being accessed.
  • Cookies and Session Data: Corrupted cookies or session data could trigger the error.
  • URL Format Issues: An incorrectly formatted URL might be rejected by the server.

To What Do You Attribute The Occurrence of “The Requested URL Was Rejected Please Consult With Your Administrator”?

Because of its unpredictable occurrence and lack of contextual clues, tracing the origins of this issue is challenging. Before investigating further, you should make sure the website isn’t simply offline for maintenance.

The accumulation of too much data in your browser’s memory may also be to blame for the inability to load the page you’re trying to see. If the issue persists after making these changes, the website in question should be moved from the Managed Sites list to the Trusted Sites list in Internet Options.

Method 1: Get Rid of All Cookies and Cache

To remedy the problem, many people have found that emptying their browser’s cache and cookies helps. Errors like this one can be avoided by clearing your browsing history at regular intervals.

If you’re Using Google Chrome,

Step 1: To delete all Google Chrome history, use the menu button (three vertical dots) in the upper right corner of the browser. Then, after selecting More Tools, select Clear browsing data.

Step 2: If you want to delete everything, just set the time to the very beginning. The cache and cookies should be deleted.

Step 3: Try restarting your computer and opening Google Chrome to see if the problem persists.

The Firefox Web Browser by Mozilla.

Step 1: Double-click the Firefox shortcut on your desktop, or look for it in the list of programmes under the Start menu, to launch Mozilla Firefox.

Step 2: To access your browser’s browsing history, select the library icon (to the left of the menu button) in the upper right corner of the window. Distinct Recent Past…

Step 3: You’re now responsible for a large number of choices. Select “Everything” from the drop-down menu that appears when you click the arrow next to the Time range to clear option.

Step 4: Since “Clear history” has a different meaning in this browser and encompasses all forms of browsing data, clicking the arrow next to Details will reveal exactly what will be removed when you make that selection.

Step 5: It is highly suggested that you select Cookies prior to activating Clear Now. Just sit tight until it’s done, and then try opening a new tab on your browser. Verify if you still encounter the issue after checking if it has been fixed.

Microsoft Edge:

Step 1: The Microsoft Edge browser can be launched in two different ways: by double-clicking its taskbar icon or by conducting a search for “Microsoft Edge” in the Start menu.

Step 2: When the browser has opened, select Settings by clicking the menu button (the cog icon) in the upper right corner.

Step 3: Choose What To Clear can be found under the Clear Browsing Data sub-menu.

Step 4: Don’t forget to uncheck the fifth option and wipe this information. Look for a message that reads, “The Requested URL Was Denied.” The “This Error Has Been Reported To Your Administrator And Will Not Be Fixed Without Their Intervention” message still appears.

How Do I Clear a Rejected URL?

To overcome a rejected URL error:

  1. Clear Cookies and Cache: Often, purging browser cache and cookies resolves this error. Navigate to your browser settings and look for the option to clear browsing data.
  2. Use a Different Browser: Compatibility issues or specific browser settings might be causing the error. Try accessing the URL with a different browser.
  3. Check URL Formatting: Ensure the URL is correctly formatted, with no spaces or special characters that don’t belong.
  4. Consult with Website Admin: If you manage the website, check server configurations or any security software that might be blocking the URL.

How Do I Create a Correct URL?

A correctly formatted URL:

  • Follows the structure: scheme://prefix.domain:port/path/filename
  • Avoids spaces, which should be encoded as %20.
  • Uses lowercase letters, especially for domain names.
  • Adheres to the website’s URL structure guidelines, if provided.

Why is My URL Blocked?

Several reasons can lead to a URL being blocked:

  • Security Protocols: Web security tools might flag a URL if it’s perceived to host or redirect to malicious content.
  • Content Restrictions: In certain regions or networks, URLs might be blocked due to the content they host (e.g., political, adult content).
  • Server Misconfigurations: Incorrect server settings can unintentionally block access to specific URLs.
  • ISP Restrictions: Some internet service providers might block access to particular sites or URLs based on regulations or internal policies.

How Do I Clear My Browser URL?

To clear a specific URL from your browser:

  1. Browser History: Go to your browser history (often Ctrl + H), find the URL, right-click, and choose the delete or remove option.
  2. Address Bar: Click on the browser’s address bar, navigate to the URL using arrow keys, and hit the Delete key.

Note: The exact steps might vary slightly depending on the browser you’re using.


The “Requested URL Was Rejected” error, while perplexing, often stems from standard web security measures or simple misconfigurations. With a bit of troubleshooting, users can typically bypass this issue.

Regularly clearing your browser data, ensuring URLs are correctly formatted, and being aware of potential content or security blocks can make your digital browsing journey smoother and error-free.