What is ‘MSDIA80.Dll’ and Should You Delete It?

MSDIA80.Dll is a system file that is found by most of the Windows users in their root directory folder.

The DLL in MSDIA80.Dll stands for Dynamic Link Library, which contains the essential codes or libraries for the program which is to be referred and used. The MSDIA80.Dll is a system file in Visual C++ and other applications.

It’s a read-only file, and my apps can access it at the same time without any problem. It boots provide speedy performance and boots memory efficiency.

When a program can’t access the DLL file, an error can be caught which will act as a barrier in the proper functioning of the program. Therefore it is essential to have the DLL file to ensure the proper functioning of the program.


What is MSDIA80.Dll and How did it get in My Root Directory?

Microsoft Visual C++ is a commercial and integrated development environment for C, C++, and CLI. These are all programming languages. Most of the functions are performed through it like running various codes of C++.

While installing the Microsoft Redistributable Package, it automatically comes in the drive. It is present mostly in the root folder of the boot drive and especially while installing the Visual C++ 2005 Redistributable package using exe files ‘vcredist_x64.exe’ and ‘vcredist_x86.exe’.

Mostly, the MSDIA80.Dll file is found in the D drive because of the game and applications present in the D drive.

Therefore it’s not the right place of the file it should be present with the other DLL, i.e. “C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\CommonFiles\Microsoftshared\VC”.

What should you do about the DLL file? Delete it?

No, most of the experts advised that we should not delete this DLL file. Otherwise, the programs would run properly. Deleting it would cause major problems. The programs that are run on a regular base won’t be able to work properly because they require this file for proper running or functioning of the program.

MSDIA80.Dll is a type of file containing essential codes and programs. Particular applications need it. However, most of the apps won’t be able to access the code or function properly when this file is deleted.

Moreover, we recommend not to delete this file because it leads to the smooth working of the applications. It requires access to the files. Instead of deleting it, it can be moved to a most appropriate location which is “C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\CommonFiles\Microsoftshared\VC”. On the contrary, it is necessary to register as the Windows will know the current location of the file and can access it when required. And the other way is by installing two Microsoft packages on the system. Both the methods are mention below along with the steps mention in it.

Solutions 1: Relocating the DLL file

Through this solution, we relocate the DLL file from the root directory of the drive. It is located inside the visual C++ folder of the boot drive. Now, place the file at the same place where OS is present.

To relocate the file, the following steps should be followed:k899

Step 1: Firstly press the Window + E key combination.

Step 2: After that, move to the root directory drive, which contains the MSDIA80.Dll.

Step 3: Now right-click on the file then cut it.

Step 4: Then go to the file path “C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\CommonFiles\Microsoftshared\VC”.

Step 5: After that paste, the file and press continue to permit the transfer of the file.

Step 6: Now register the file.

Step 7: Then press Windows+ S key combination and type the “Command prompt” in the dialogue box.

Step 8: Next select Run as Administrator.

Step 9: After that, execute the following command in the command prompt “regsvr32″ C:\ProgramFiles(x86)\CommandFiles\Microsoftshared\VC\MSDIA80.Dll”.”

Now lastly restart the system. The process might have relocated the file.

Solution 2: Installing Microsoft Visual C++ Packages

In this solution, we have installed two packages of Microsoft Visual C++. Here are the following steps to install the Microsoft Visual C++ Packages:

Step 1: Firstly open the browser and go to the package “Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 Service pack one redistributable package ALT security update.

Step 2: Then, from the checklist, select ‘vcredist_x96.exe’ and ‘vcredist_x64.exe’ and download them.

Step 3: Now run the executable file. Wait till installation.

Step 4: After that right-click on it and select “Run as administrator” to launch it.

Step 5: Now go to the “Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 service pack 1 Redistributable package MFC security update.

Step 6: Then, from the checklist, select ‘vcredist_x86.exe’ and ‘vcredist_x64.exe’ and download them the inaccessible locations. And to launch it run the executable files.

Step 7: Lastly restart the system. This might install the package successfully.


However, it is essential to remove the DLL file for the smooth working of the application as they need access. The solutions are mention above through which MSDIA80.Dll file can be deal with. Both methods are efficient enough and help solve the problem.

In case both the methods don’t work, then it’s better to leave the file in the root directory and continue with the other operations as there is no harm in keeping the MSDIA80.Dll file. As can be seen the DLL file is essential for the proper functioning of the program. They won’t have access to the DLL file it won’t work correctly and cause a lot of trouble. The functions performed regularly will also stop. Mostly, we encounter the file in the root directory of the drive d in the system.

However, the solutions are mention above, along with the steps. It will relocate and delete the file to ensure the proper functioning of the program in the system. Hence there will be no problem. Moreover, it’s better to follow the steps and relocate the DLL file and do register it as Windows will come to know about the location itself. The solutions mentions above are practical and efficient enough. As the user claimed, it helps solve the problem.